Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Dovecraft Pepper & Friends Range - Now Available

Dovecraft Pepper & Friends range is now available from our website:
This is a great range - very cute characters and not to be missed
Claire & Sharon xxx
P.s - please let us know what you think of this new range

1 comment:

  1. I this Pepper and friends is one of Trimmies best kits ever. teh images are just soooo gorgeous.. they will sort ages groups and teh image srae fab... My fave out of the collection has to be the Wooden stamps. they all stamp up perfect first tiime... if you would like to see some of my Craetions using the pepper & freinds Range, please pop over to my Trimcraft gallery, you will find 15 seperate projects, so have been spread over several (22) gallery entries
    you can find them here..
    Thanks for looking
    hugs rozzy xx
